“The Homecoming” Juice Fast ONLY ( local )


RootWork Community Fast

– There are a host of ways to alter ones consciousness in most cases people only correlate altered states of consciousness with the use of drugs however this is far from the truth ! many religious practices embrace the act of purposed altered states of consciousness through fasting or purposely withholding . These acts date back to the beginning of time and are currently still in practice now, given religious/psychological interpretations. When we apply this information, it is easier to understand that through dancing we can achieve a state of healing, through music and drumming one can raise their vibration and soothe a soul. When we know the purpose of why we do the things we do, we can adopt better habits that will assist us in manifesting our best life.

For the monthly community Fast we will focus our attention to fasting known as :

Altercations in body chemistry or physiology of the nervous system - Hypoglycemia (Which may due to fasting) dehydration, sleep deprivation, hyperventilation, temporal lobe seizures, and use of pharmacological substances.

This will be a great time for manifesting as you are going to be in the energy of s sacrificing. Manifesting is more about giving up what matters to you the most, what’s vital to your survival in order to reach your desired outcome. During this Fast I encourage you set your intentions to what it is you want and what it is you want to remove !! We will focus on 5 major areas of the body ....

Day 1 :Root - (Red) Oya Juice - circulation, healthy heart, purification of blood vessels, healthy circulation... grounding ... we start at the bases because it where we ground .. our Basic Needs are found there. Water Food ,Security, and Shelter ... areas of our lives are most effected by these base needs usually as children we inherit trauma here.... if you are working on this area in life set your intentions of what you need and what you would like to remove . Ground yourself in the present ! ( Walk outside without shoes on, know that you are supported !

Day 2- Sacral- (Orange) - Healthy reproductive health, sexual health, relationships, and Creativity.. helps with detoxing the sacral region of the body( sexual organs) and promotes libido, and healthy blood flow. The sacral areas of our bodies is most important because this is where our ability to be flexible, nurture good relationships, manifest, reproduce and it empowers our creativity!

Day 3- Oshun Juice (yellow)- This juice helps us tap into our self -Determination ,Solar Plexus energy .. . It's part of the sympathetic nervous system. It plays an important role in the functioning of the stomach, kidneys, liver, and adrenal glands therefore this juice helps to detox and aid in restoring proper nutrients to theses areas of the body . This is the area of the body where our self empowerment resides, our courage, valor, our economic industry and power to execute what we have already created or want to create. A person’s sensuality is found here as well.. wear something yellow on this day .. Radiate your energy ! You should feel a boost of energy on this day ... ( focus your energy things may appear more clearer ) .

Day 4 - Ogun Juice (Green) - Let’s begin to digest ! As you can probably tell the greens are about digestion and healthy heart... this juice will stimulate all that needs to go as it desires to bring us focus ! A healthy heart means letting go of trauma, resentment, and all pain that interferes with you ability to forgive, heal and love unconditionally. When we allow ourselves to be weighed down by grief, hurt and shame we build up stress that becomes toxic .. set your intentions not only on toxins that reside in your gut but the toxins that also reside on your heart ... Free up some space !!! For all that you want !

Day 5 - The Roots- Detox/ homeostatic Herbal Infusion- This drink will help to remove any on the lingering toxins while acting as a restorative- bringing the body back to a nice homeostatic state ! It is now that you will feel lighter , healthier, and more enlightened about your self ! This unique blend of roots include : ginger root, dandelion root, chicory Root, and Burdock root .....

  • Please advise : leave Day 1 and Day 2

In the refrigerator .. because everything is made fresh with no preservatives it is necessary that your freeze day 3-5 and take out the night before you are due to drink the juice so that it remains fresh !!!!

Drink plenty of water you can even add fruit in your water .... ( lemon water ) ... remember NO food ! This is a Fast !!!!!!!

  • Just don’t Measure and weigh your physical self but measure your emotional, intellectual self, spiritual self , mental self and weigh your heart.. so that at the end of your fast you are able to tell the difference !!!!

  • Please feel free to post in our group chat! This will be tough ! But life is tough ! It doesn’t get easier ...... we become stronger !!

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RootWork Community Fast

– There are a host of ways to alter ones consciousness in most cases people only correlate altered states of consciousness with the use of drugs however this is far from the truth ! many religious practices embrace the act of purposed altered states of consciousness through fasting or purposely withholding . These acts date back to the beginning of time and are currently still in practice now, given religious/psychological interpretations. When we apply this information, it is easier to understand that through dancing we can achieve a state of healing, through music and drumming one can raise their vibration and soothe a soul. When we know the purpose of why we do the things we do, we can adopt better habits that will assist us in manifesting our best life.

For the monthly community Fast we will focus our attention to fasting known as :

Altercations in body chemistry or physiology of the nervous system - Hypoglycemia (Which may due to fasting) dehydration, sleep deprivation, hyperventilation, temporal lobe seizures, and use of pharmacological substances.

This will be a great time for manifesting as you are going to be in the energy of s sacrificing. Manifesting is more about giving up what matters to you the most, what’s vital to your survival in order to reach your desired outcome. During this Fast I encourage you set your intentions to what it is you want and what it is you want to remove !! We will focus on 5 major areas of the body ....

Day 1 :Root - (Red) Oya Juice - circulation, healthy heart, purification of blood vessels, healthy circulation... grounding ... we start at the bases because it where we ground .. our Basic Needs are found there. Water Food ,Security, and Shelter ... areas of our lives are most effected by these base needs usually as children we inherit trauma here.... if you are working on this area in life set your intentions of what you need and what you would like to remove . Ground yourself in the present ! ( Walk outside without shoes on, know that you are supported !

Day 2- Sacral- (Orange) - Healthy reproductive health, sexual health, relationships, and Creativity.. helps with detoxing the sacral region of the body( sexual organs) and promotes libido, and healthy blood flow. The sacral areas of our bodies is most important because this is where our ability to be flexible, nurture good relationships, manifest, reproduce and it empowers our creativity!

Day 3- Oshun Juice (yellow)- This juice helps us tap into our self -Determination ,Solar Plexus energy .. . It's part of the sympathetic nervous system. It plays an important role in the functioning of the stomach, kidneys, liver, and adrenal glands therefore this juice helps to detox and aid in restoring proper nutrients to theses areas of the body . This is the area of the body where our self empowerment resides, our courage, valor, our economic industry and power to execute what we have already created or want to create. A person’s sensuality is found here as well.. wear something yellow on this day .. Radiate your energy ! You should feel a boost of energy on this day ... ( focus your energy things may appear more clearer ) .

Day 4 - Ogun Juice (Green) - Let’s begin to digest ! As you can probably tell the greens are about digestion and healthy heart... this juice will stimulate all that needs to go as it desires to bring us focus ! A healthy heart means letting go of trauma, resentment, and all pain that interferes with you ability to forgive, heal and love unconditionally. When we allow ourselves to be weighed down by grief, hurt and shame we build up stress that becomes toxic .. set your intentions not only on toxins that reside in your gut but the toxins that also reside on your heart ... Free up some space !!! For all that you want !

Day 5 - The Roots- Detox/ homeostatic Herbal Infusion- This drink will help to remove any on the lingering toxins while acting as a restorative- bringing the body back to a nice homeostatic state ! It is now that you will feel lighter , healthier, and more enlightened about your self ! This unique blend of roots include : ginger root, dandelion root, chicory Root, and Burdock root .....

  • Please advise : leave Day 1 and Day 2

In the refrigerator .. because everything is made fresh with no preservatives it is necessary that your freeze day 3-5 and take out the night before you are due to drink the juice so that it remains fresh !!!!

Drink plenty of water you can even add fruit in your water .... ( lemon water ) ... remember NO food ! This is a Fast !!!!!!!

  • Just don’t Measure and weigh your physical self but measure your emotional, intellectual self, spiritual self , mental self and weigh your heart.. so that at the end of your fast you are able to tell the difference !!!!

  • Please feel free to post in our group chat! This will be tough ! But life is tough ! It doesn’t get easier ...... we become stronger !!

RootWork Community Fast

– There are a host of ways to alter ones consciousness in most cases people only correlate altered states of consciousness with the use of drugs however this is far from the truth ! many religious practices embrace the act of purposed altered states of consciousness through fasting or purposely withholding . These acts date back to the beginning of time and are currently still in practice now, given religious/psychological interpretations. When we apply this information, it is easier to understand that through dancing we can achieve a state of healing, through music and drumming one can raise their vibration and soothe a soul. When we know the purpose of why we do the things we do, we can adopt better habits that will assist us in manifesting our best life.

For the monthly community Fast we will focus our attention to fasting known as :

Altercations in body chemistry or physiology of the nervous system - Hypoglycemia (Which may due to fasting) dehydration, sleep deprivation, hyperventilation, temporal lobe seizures, and use of pharmacological substances.

This will be a great time for manifesting as you are going to be in the energy of s sacrificing. Manifesting is more about giving up what matters to you the most, what’s vital to your survival in order to reach your desired outcome. During this Fast I encourage you set your intentions to what it is you want and what it is you want to remove !! We will focus on 5 major areas of the body ....

Day 1 :Root - (Red) Oya Juice - circulation, healthy heart, purification of blood vessels, healthy circulation... grounding ... we start at the bases because it where we ground .. our Basic Needs are found there. Water Food ,Security, and Shelter ... areas of our lives are most effected by these base needs usually as children we inherit trauma here.... if you are working on this area in life set your intentions of what you need and what you would like to remove . Ground yourself in the present ! ( Walk outside without shoes on, know that you are supported !

Day 2- Sacral- (Orange) - Healthy reproductive health, sexual health, relationships, and Creativity.. helps with detoxing the sacral region of the body( sexual organs) and promotes libido, and healthy blood flow. The sacral areas of our bodies is most important because this is where our ability to be flexible, nurture good relationships, manifest, reproduce and it empowers our creativity!

Day 3- Oshun Juice (yellow)- This juice helps us tap into our self -Determination ,Solar Plexus energy .. . It's part of the sympathetic nervous system. It plays an important role in the functioning of the stomach, kidneys, liver, and adrenal glands therefore this juice helps to detox and aid in restoring proper nutrients to theses areas of the body . This is the area of the body where our self empowerment resides, our courage, valor, our economic industry and power to execute what we have already created or want to create. A person’s sensuality is found here as well.. wear something yellow on this day .. Radiate your energy ! You should feel a boost of energy on this day ... ( focus your energy things may appear more clearer ) .

Day 4 - Ogun Juice (Green) - Let’s begin to digest ! As you can probably tell the greens are about digestion and healthy heart... this juice will stimulate all that needs to go as it desires to bring us focus ! A healthy heart means letting go of trauma, resentment, and all pain that interferes with you ability to forgive, heal and love unconditionally. When we allow ourselves to be weighed down by grief, hurt and shame we build up stress that becomes toxic .. set your intentions not only on toxins that reside in your gut but the toxins that also reside on your heart ... Free up some space !!! For all that you want !

Day 5 - The Roots- Detox/ homeostatic Herbal Infusion- This drink will help to remove any on the lingering toxins while acting as a restorative- bringing the body back to a nice homeostatic state ! It is now that you will feel lighter , healthier, and more enlightened about your self ! This unique blend of roots include : ginger root, dandelion root, chicory Root, and Burdock root .....

  • Please advise : leave Day 1 and Day 2

In the refrigerator .. because everything is made fresh with no preservatives it is necessary that your freeze day 3-5 and take out the night before you are due to drink the juice so that it remains fresh !!!!

Drink plenty of water you can even add fruit in your water .... ( lemon water ) ... remember NO food ! This is a Fast !!!!!!!

  • Just don’t Measure and weigh your physical self but measure your emotional, intellectual self, spiritual self , mental self and weigh your heart.. so that at the end of your fast you are able to tell the difference !!!!

  • Please feel free to post in our group chat! This will be tough ! But life is tough ! It doesn’t get easier ...... we become stronger !!