How Deep are My Roots
The Root: Everything starts at the root ! There is no need to try to treat a symptom when you have not addressed the ROOT CAUSE. This statement holds true across all disciplines, traditional and non-traditional practices. The Roots consist of Origins not only geographical but physical, emotional, intellectual, mental,environmental, nutritional ect. When we are born we are said to pick out path or destiny, as we come through the womb it is said that we often forget the task we have chosen. Our homes, communities, environments, societies, TV, Radio, Traumas all influence our beliefs, shape our experiences that shape our behaviors. This is how we stray from Destiny. Lack of connection to who you are, where you came from is just as worse as negative influence and irrational beliefs. All of them possess the power to halt the development of a person and good character, it can often create the opposite. Your Roots make up your foundation. Who you come from is a prime example of what you might become. ( Two mutts are going to create a MUT, believe it not if you breed it with the same MUT now that dog is a stronger MUT. ( Punnett Square)The same for a Full Breed! People make millions off of breeding full breed DOGs. Dog breeders have a complete genealogy of the dog or at minimum they know their mothers and their fathers. They keep records of the breeds and create a family tree of greatness that can be sold to the highest bidder. A dog breeder knows the strengths and the weakness of his breed, it knows what other dog it can be bred with and what to avoid when breeding so that he doesn't weaken its offspring. For the story of the MUTT, the mut can be bred to full breed; it will just take longer, much like a plant without roots and a PERSON without roots. I encourage you to find out where you come from, take a look at what you are made of, take a look at your core beliefs and values and see if it aligns with your behaviors. We have the responsibility as people but emphasis on my people to leave the next generation better than we found it, and that starts with self. Remembering your path and understanding we are only as good as what we come from and it's our job to put the bitter with the sweet and rise up and become more intentional about our moves. The first day of the Root Work fast we dive deep into talking about Ancestors and the basic needs to survive. Maslow Hierarchy of needs teaches this in Western psychology, Chakras in Hinduism. It is said that without Root, Pshisological needs: Water, Food , Shelter, sex, sleep,security, intsincts , primal, one can not advance. How can you offer a person a relationship when you have no knowledge of self?, how can you provide care for someone else when you were never made to feel safe? ( Was I safe as a child? Did I have access to the basic needs Food, water, and shelter as a child? If I did not have access did my community provide me access? ( this would be resilience) which is why we have to SANKOFA ( go back and get what we did not have or what was taken from us) If we plan to raise a better generation. We can not avoid what we did not have but expect better from our children. This is what is called Generational Curses based on ignorance and arrogance to go seek what you don't have. If we get we blessed to have a strong foundation then it becomes our responsibility to SHOW, GIVE and TEACH it to others so that we are moving as one! As above so below.
Catherine ESI- Aworonke - I practice African Spirituality because it was my ROOT!