Winter Solstice Energy
This weeks Action
Tomorrow, December 21, 2020 marks a very pivotal point in history. Not only is it the first day of the Winter Solstice; the last season change of the year, a time when the Sun is at its lowest point in the Northern Hemisphere, but a time when the day is most short and the night is longer than it’s ever been all year long. The winter solstice teaches us that for anything to begin, death has to occur; therefore, after the darkest day of the year, the sun will rise and increase its light that will bring about renewal and rebirth. Many Ancient Egyptians and other Indigenous peoples believed that when the sun reached the lowest point of the years before rising again to prepare for the summer months, this process took three full days. When the Sun rose again on December 25th it was considered (The Birth of the Sun) If this is beginning to sound very familiar? You’re on the right track! In Ancient Egypt the Sun was considered the Savior. During the festivities people would make solar observations that would help them set their intentions regarding plating, harvesting, spiritual incubations periods, and universal consciousness as it relates to the spiritual alignment of the soul. The winter was and still is celebrated for days. The celebration usually lasts for two weeks including cultural festivities, eating, dancing, parading, bearing gifts and paying homage to the Sun for its gift of light. It wasn’t until the Romans took these stories and created figures who later became Jesus Christ and integrated him into their version of the Winter Solstice which is now Christmas! With conqeour comes rebirth of even stories that are now passed down year after year with limited truth. It is important to know the origin, the Roots of which things as simple as the holiday that we celebrate come from. It is only then that we learn to celebrate with more meaning and purpose.
This year’s Winter Solstice will share the date with one of the greatest planet conjunctions; Jupiter and Saturn. This conjunction only occurs somewhere between every 400 to 800 years. Look up in the sky on December 21st about 45 minutes after the sun sets, it will be the highest brightest star in the sky. It’s my assumption this may have been the same star that was seen in Bethlehem at the time of the birth of the Sun/ JesusChrist. Is this a coincidence or what? Anyway, Jupiter, the planet that governs over economics, religion and politics, merges with Saturn, the planet that the rules business matters and law and order will come together. This may seem like nothing to some, but the systems these planets rule influence just about every aspect of our life. According to the Daily Planet Guide, these conjunctions are game changers!! The last time these conjunctions occurred they foreshadowed : the Kennedy assignation, Vietnam War, 9/11, Afghan war and many of the social, economic, and political aftermath that followed. As if this year couldn’t get any worse, this conjunction may bring about turning points or usher in a host of changes as it relates to revolutionary moments, global finances, climate changes and emphasis on energy.
2020 has most defiantly gotten our attention but 2021 will show us all the changes that were being made while we were focused on what was in the headlines. We can thank rebel Aquarius for changes to come. As we continue to move through this energy, it will be important to take the time and ask yourself what things about yourself can allow to die because they no longer serve you. Just like the moon brings death to the sun every day, we must bring death to parts of ourselves we have either outgrown or no longer serve our higher calling ! Death is a part of transformation, as we evolve, just like trees, we have to allow ourselves to go dormant so that when we emerge we are much greater, more stronger than before. Be the Sun!!!!!! Get more Sun !!!